Selasa, 14 April 2009


I. Beginning Part
1. Cover
1.1 Tittle
1.2 Intention of Scientific Paper
1.3 Name of writter
2. Contents List : to give escort and illustration about examination contents.
3. Table and Picture : in order to reader easy find the table or picture in the examination.

II. Contents Part
1. Preface
1.1 Examination Background : everything that can to underlayer about the important of scientific paper.
1.2 Problems Identification : everything that will be examine in the scientific paper.
1.3 Mean and Purpose of the Examination : everything that will be reach with writting the scientific paper.
1.4 Examination Method : for example, with experience and reference ( internet, book ), etc.
1.5 Systematic Experience : for example, paper collection, etc.
2. Excellent Text Part : about critissm the topic.
3. Closing Part
3.1 Conclusion
3.2 Resume
3.3 Suggestion

III. Ending Part
1. Book List

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